りりん (Ririn)


one day, i asked my friend "if i were an action figure, who would I’d be?". Then he replied “oh it’s easy, you’re gonna be りりん, Ririn. Oh well, it’s not some kind of wonder women, but I think it’s okay :)


Asaf Karagila said…
That is creepy.

And great.
Karina Saputri said…
haha, the character itself were not that creepy, it's some kind of hero on Bleach (Japanese manga)..and "Ririn" happens to be my nick name among my families :P
Hopy said…
gw baca komiknya tuh.. :-"
Unknown said…
ririn?! you wish! the call you rintintin right? LOL
and yes, thats freakin creepy!
rian said…
ririn is my boss

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